Tuesday, 5 October 2010

ANH TUAN budapeste

ANH TUAN budapeste

The fashion label ANH TUAN was launched in 2006, in Budapest, by Vietnamese
fashion designer, Luu Anh Tuan.
In past years, he has traveled around Europe, Central Asia, and South-East
Asia, to gather inspirations for his collections. Anh Tuan studied at the
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest and spent a semester at
the London College of Fashion. Apart from his menswear and womenswear
collections, he specializes in leather goods, hand-made bags, and accessories.
The essence of his designs is a significant and constructive geometric shape.
A mixture of squares and triangles appear throughout his collections.
In 2007, he was awarded the Best Young Fashion Designer prize by the Hungarian
Fashion Designers Association, and in 2008, by Fashion Awards Hungary. His
high-fashion clothing and accessories are frequently presented during the Budapest,
New York, Prague, and Zagreb Fashion weeks. His future collections will be shown
in Berlin and Paris.
His showroom is located in the Museum district of Budapest and he has launched the
ANH TUAN label in selected concept-stores internationally.

Hand-made paper textures and geometric shapes created by Anh Tuan.
The natural three dimensional pictures iterated by the designer from one sheet of paper.

Hand-made paper textures and geometric shapes created by Anh Tuan.
The natural three dimensional pictures iterated by the designer from one sheet of paper.

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